Hello, my name is Karl and I work at a Holiday Park on the remote west coast of New Zealand. I maintain the park by myself and usually get contractor tradies in for the major stuff such as gas, electric and water. We recently had an issue with our power with the whole park going off the power grid for a few hours.

The sparky was unavailable for the time we needed him, unfortunately he had also closed our main switch box with our copy of the switch box key inside it!! Out came the Leatherman Wave to pop open the door and reset the main switch and grab our copy of the key!!

Could have done it with a screwdriver but I had my handy tool at hand so I thought “why not?” All in all it was no major but I feel that the Wave saved me time and gave me another useful trick if I need to open doors without conventional keys! Great!

Karl Q | Fox Glacier | Leatherman Wave

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Tool Tales

Climbing Paramedic Skeletool RX Rescue

From Cliff Rescues to Warranty Triumph

I’m a paramedic who also enjoys outdoor rope sports recreationally (abseiling, canyoning, climbing) - so having a good quality multitool is essential for me. I...

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A couple’s trek back to their cabin turns into a chilling story of survival in this true Leatherman Tool Tale. See Luke W.’s account of...

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